our features
we are experts in

Time is and will be an ever growing value in our world. Therefore the LÖGLEN buildings use their advantege of being very fast to build, thus saving time, energy and money.

The heat isolation and heat-retention factors of LÖGLEN buildings are exceptionally good, and they are thermo-bridge free, therefore the system does not require any additional heat isolation as the wall structure itself provides excellent isolation and heat retention features.

The LÖGLEN wall structure is "breathing" and it has an excellent vapor-diffusion – meaning that it is the most ideal from health point of view creating a comfortable atmosphere in your home.
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You can feel absolutely safe in LÖGLEN buildings. LÖGLEN technology possesses the fire-security certifications that are in line with the regulations.. Based on these you can build housing, industrial and community buildings to unlimited heights with LÖGLEN technology.

The LÖGLEN system provides an unparalelled freedom of architectural design whithout having to compromise against quality. Unlimited, even extreme shapes can be realized in the outer as well as the inner architectural appearance.

Even though the LÖGLEN buildings have all these exceptional features, which make your home more secure, pleasant, comfortable, energy-saving and environment friendly, they are also affordable for everyone. Compared to traditional construction technologies they present a competitive price.