Licensed technology
Attention! Click here: We are looking for a business partner to use the patented Löglen construction technology.
The technology is a combination of polystyrene concrete and a steel or lumber frame structure. Polystyrene concrete is used in structural elements in the form of panels of different sizes, and in bulk form. The polystyrene concrete and the frame structure create a homogeneous, thermal bridge free building.
Advantages of the Löglen Construction Technology
The insulation of Löglen buildings is outstanding. According to measurements taken in an accredited laboratory the heat transfer coefficient of the 41 cm thick Löglen standard wall is U= 0,21 W/m2K. The system does not require additional insulation, since the material of the entire building provides the excellent heat retention and insulation values. Consequently, Löglen buildings achieve the energy-saving qualification.
The Löglen wall structure „breathes” and it has very good vapor diffusion, thus creating a healthy and pleasant atmosphere in the buildings (µ=7-10), the generated vapor escapes through the walls without a problem and does not cause harmful molding or mycosis on the internal wall surface, due to the thermal bridge free structure.
The weight of Löglen wall structures is 300 kg/m3, considered ideal by architects (300-500 kg/m3). The ideal weight means 10-40% of the concrete saved when building the foundations. The construction set of Löglen technology possesses fire safety certificates that comply with the regulations. The great formability of Löglen technology provides a wide range of possible uses. Löglen technology is Eco-friendly, Löglen houses are reusable.
What is most important in the case of a flat or a house is that its inhabitants have an excellent feeling of comfort. This depends on many things, but arguably the proper thermal comfort is the basis of everything.
More simply: a good home in spring and summer is cool, in autumn and winter is warm. In any case, in spite of the weather, we must assure the best temperature and thermal comfort inside.
To achieve this, thermal insulation is required. In winter we must prevent as much as possible the buildings internal heat generated by the outflow, so we must reduce the loss of heat and in summer should happen just the opposite.
For those who have already finished building, there is not much choice, the insulation must be resolved subsequently. For these, there exist various materials and solutions. There is good, very good, and there is LÖGLEN!
GOOD: polystyrene board (EPS), mineral wool and glass woo
During the manufacture, the air is closed into the polystyrene cells, for this reason has good insulating properties. Polystyrene is the cheapest facade insulation material in the market.
The mineral and glass wool reaches the insulation property by closing the air into its fibers.Good features of fibrous insulated materials: fire resistance, high heat insulation and sound insulation.
VERY GOOD: polystyrene foam concrete board
Itself has excellent thermal insulation properties, it can also be used as a follow-up insulation.
THE BEST: polystyrene concrete (LÖGLEN)
It is not needed subsequent thermal insulation, as long as the wall is made from the combination of polystyrene concrete and steel frame. This is the LÖGLEN system!
Due to its extremely high insulating properties do not require additional insulation, as the wall is made of high insulation material. As a result, the LÖGLEN buildings are of increased low energy.
How is it made?
Conform to the experiments made, with the LÖGLEN masonry can be reached a 50-80 % energy save compared with the traditional bricks or concrete made buildings. Due to its excelent thermal features, it received the “A+” energy classification, which is the best category.( U=0,185 - 0,21 W/m2 )
For buildings it is issued energetical certificate for this classification.
This is such a certificate which evaluates the building energetical quality and the authentic information has a primary role.
We can get the following informations from this certificate:
- The energy class of the building
- How much is the building's annual energy consumption (heating, cooling and hot water supply, ventilation)
- How good is the insulation of the building, orientation
In Hungary, the buildings and homes are currently classified into 10 classes, depending on the energetic qualities. The energetic basis of the classification is carried out to the building's actual energy consumption requirements of the prescribed percentage, ie 100%.
For example, at a H category building,with a 300% energy consumption, this means that compared to today's standards the building consumption is thrice. At the A + classification, eg. LÖGLEN the building's energy consumption is up to 55% of the standards.
For example: heating demand for a 100 square meters house:
- Lightweight house: average 9 to 11 kW
- Traditional brick built house: average 18 to 25 kW
- Löglen: average 3-4 kW
The wall heat transfer coefficient characterized insulating ability (U = W/m2K). The lower the value, the better the heat insulating structure. In Hungary the standard is U=0,7 W/m2 K for detached houses. If the U is between 0,3 and 0,1, we can say the building insulation is excelent.
our features
we are experts in

Time is and will be an ever growing value in our world. Therefore the LÖGLEN buildings use their advantege of being very fast to build, thus saving time, energy and money.
Which features and Factors reduce the building time of LÖGLEN buildings to one fifth of that of traditional buildings?
- When building with LÖGLEN technology 10-40% less concrete is necessary for the foundation.
- The necessary amount of the materials are being calculated with total accuracy by the production planning software. This data is being used to prepare the final production plan and producing the material. The strictly numbered elements after being delivered to the construction site are unloaded to their place based on the production plan - drastically reducing construction timescales with this highly structured, sophisticated system.
- Building engineering elements(water, energy, heating, audivisual technics, alarm etc.): due to the excellent texture and plasticity of polystyrene foam-concrete the pipes and wiring systems are being integrated into the walls by down to the millimeter accurate milling technology rather than carving.
- Neither the exterior, nor the interior walls need mortar finishing - following a basic level of net & (color) plaster covering the walls can be painted - or covered with any type of wall covering.
- Any changes (eg.: moval of doors, pipes, inner walls) - quite often - requested during construction by the contracting party can be implemented very easily and quickly due to the excellent plasticity of the technology.
- The structure of the LÖGLEN buildings consist of 2 materials (Wood or Steel pillar structure and polystyrene for oncrete panels and granule), therefore logistic problems are not a risk fot completion time.

The heat isolation and heat-retention factors of LÖGLEN buildings are exceptionally good, and they are thermo-bridge free, therefore the system does not require any additional heat isolation as the wall structure itself provides excellent isolation and heat retention features.
- Energetic classification of LÖGLEN buildings with according structural elements (windows, doors etc.).
- It is the basic philosophy of LÖGLEN that the use of renewable energy is only economic and future-oriented if suitable building solutions are their recipients. Very simply speaking you could build a heat-pump into a tent, but it would make no sense. LÖGLEN buildings are due to their excellent heat isolation and heat-retention features and their breathing wall-structure optimal recipients for such solutions based on renewable energy. Every LÖGLEN building has the necessary pipes for the installation of the today well know alternative energy solutions built in. This system is integrated into the LÖLGEN buildings for free, guaranteeing the possibility to disconnect from the suppliers in the future.
- The U-value of LÖGLEN buildings is U= 0.21 W/m2K.
- As the width of the wall structure is variable based on demand, the heat isolation factor “U” can be extremely low.
- It is important to mention, that apart from the heat isolation the heat-retatnion is an at least similarly important factor for a building. It is very important for the heat-retention of the wall for it to have sufficient mass which can save the unused heat. The mass of the LÖGLEN wall structure is 300kg/m3 which is the weight considered ideal by construction industry experts. It is ideal, because it has enough mass to hold the energy, but is not unnecessarily heavy which is important in the application (statically). In conclusion: After airing a room in the winter it is not necessery to completely reheat it, since the wall will mostly reheat the air by the heat it stored.

The LÖGLEN wall structure is "breathing" and it has an excellent vapor-diffusion – meaning that it is the most ideal from health point of view creating a comfortable atmosphere in your home.
( µ=7-10 )
- The water that gets inside the structure during the construction escapes the building without problems.
- During the usage of the buildings a lot of vapor occurs (eg. Human vapor, vapor getting into the air from washing, cooking or the bathroom etc.) This major vapor mass has to get out of the house somehow. Since the LÖGLEN wall structure is „breathing” the created vapor escapes through the walls without problems, not creating mould on the inner wall surfaces.

You can feel absolutely safe in LÖGLEN buildings. LÖGLEN technology possesses the fire-security certifications that are in line with the regulations.. Based on these you can build housing, industrial and community buildings to unlimited heights with LÖGLEN technology.
Wall structure: (with fireproof plaster): REI-M 240, A1
Slab: REI 120, A2

For your home to be a calm and relaxing environment, LÖGLEN houses isolate the outer street noise as well as the inner sounds creating a comfortable atmosphere.
The polystyrene foam-concrete is a sound-absorbing material by itself therefore LÖGLEN buildings can easily be adjusted to individual sound isolation needs during planning.
Every LÖGLEN building is being planned and sized by a Sound technologist, where the sound isolation is legally regulated.

The LÖGLEN system provides an unparalelled freedom of architectural design whithout having to compromise against quality. Unlimited, even extreme shapes can be realized in the outer as well as the inner architectural appearance.

Even though the LÖGLEN buildings have all these exceptional features, which make your home more secure, pleasant, comfortable, energy-saving and environment friendly, they are also affordable for everyone. Compared to traditional construction technologies they present a competitive price.